Complete Surah Anfal with Urdu Translation

The Surah talks about war spoils which are things taken after a battle and mentions the Battle of Badr where one thousand angels came to help. Before the migration the Quraysh had planned to kill Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It also explains the rules for sharing the spoils of war stating that a fifth part is not for people but is for Allah and the Messenger. Additionally it says that twenty strong believers are equal to two hundred enemies and one hundred believers are equal to one thousand enemies.

Benefits of Surah Anfal


To Know about the benefits of the Surah Anfal we should consider some Hadiths regarding the Surah Anfal.

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Said:-

“On Judgement Day, I will intercede for one who recites surah an Anfal and Taubah and testify that he was not a hypocrite. Moreover, for every hypocrite man and woman in the world, that person will receive the reward of 10 Hasanah (righteous deeds), 10 of his sins will be wiped away, will elevate 10 levels, and the throne and its bearers will salute him in this worldly life.”

Abu Abdillah (AS) said:-

“One who writes surah Anfal and ties it to his elbow, will gain the right he was entitled to when referring to the ruler and will be victorious over whoever he disputes/fights with. Also he/she will be happy and this surah will be like a firm fortress for him.

Complete Surah Anfal with Urdu Translation


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