Masnoon Duain and their Benefits

Masnoon Dua has a lot of importance in islam because these Duas are the best way to get the benefits for this world and for the next world and these masnoon Duas are highly rewarding and you get the Meriting at your every daily life action. Today in this article we will talk about the Masnoon Duain and their benefits.

What is Masnoon Duain?

Masnoon Duain are simple duas which are taught by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) for different tasks in our daily life. These prayers help us to remember Allah and ask for His blessings and stay protected. By saying these duas Muslims feel closer to Allah and ask for His help in everything.

Masnoon Duains plays an important role in our daily lifes and we are under the Blessings of Allah pak whenever we recite the dua for the different tasks of our daily life because all of the Masnoon Duain tought us from the our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Benefits of Masnoon Duain

There are unlimited benefits of Masnoon Duain but here we will discuss some of them.

  1. When we say these duas we ask Allah to bless our daily life and this makes our actions special and full of blessings.

  2. These prayers protect us from danger and make us safe and sound. For example duas before sleeping or traveling ask Allah to keep us safe.

  3. Masnoon Duain teaches us how to live properly like thanking Allah after eating or asking for His help when starting something new.

  4. Saying these duas helps us think about Allah more often and feel closer to Him and It makes our faith stronger and stronger.

  5. Reciting these duas makes our heart and mind feel calm and It gives us hope even in difficult times.

  6. Each dua is a good deed and by saying them we earn rewards from Allah that help us in this life and the next.

  7. Masnoon Duain are short and very simple even children can learn them and enjoy their benefits.

List of Masoon Duas for Daily Life

  1. Dua before Sleeping

  1. Dua when see a Muslim smiling

  1. Dua for Thanking someone

  1. Dua at for returning the Borrow Qarz

  1. Dua when Feel Angry

  1. Dua After Sneezing

  1. Dua after when someone Sneezing

  1. Dua for Traveling

  1. Dua for starting any piece of work

  1. Dua for seeing off a traveller

  1. Dua after waking up

  1. Dua when entering the city

  1. Dua When see someone in trouble

  1. Dua when see new Moon

  1. Dua whenever see a Moon

  1.  Dua when see the mirror

  1. Dua for Nazr-e-bad

  1. Dua when hearing the Cock Crowing

  1. Dua asking for Rain

  1. Dua when raining

  1. Dua before entering the Market

  1. Dua before going to toilet

  1. Dua before Wudu

  1. Dua in the mid of Wudu


  1. When Entering Mosque

  1. Dua when going Upward

  1. Dua when coming downward

  1. Dua when entering graveyard

  1. Dua when placing the dead body into Grave

  1. Dua between the Adhan and Iqamat

  1. Dua for Shab e Qadar

  1. Dua when comes out the Toilet

  1. Dua before sitting on any vehicle or animal

  1. Dua for Surma

  1. Dua for Wearing the Clothes

  1. Dua for wearing the new clothes

  1. Dua for undressing the clothes

  1. Dua Before Eating

  1. When Forget to Recite Bismillah before eating

  1. Dua After Eating


In the end, you should recite the Masnoon duain before performing the every task of daily lifes if you want to get succeed in your daily life and it is a very simple and easy way to get the rewards from the Allah and stay in the protection of Allah from the evils. So make sure to remember the different types of the Masnoon duain for different tasks and advice your children too to remember the all duas.

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